Rodney Jennings, CD38 Chair

I just wanted to take a minute provide my unwavering endorsement for our Candidate for the Great 38. In our Congressional District we need someone who can fight for us with knowledge, experience and passion. Well, Melissa has been in the fight at the local level, the state level, in the courts and in housing as a real estate broker, advocate and lobbyists like no other. I have watched Melissa and she has the knack and ability to engage young home buyers, real estate lawyers, judges, developers and our legislators in the US Capital. On the ground here in the great 38, our district has seen Melissa fighting for fair, affordable housing, quality mixed income housing developments, large economic business and manufacturing development and has been a proponent of the careful, innovative and smart development of subsidized housing for rental or purchase in and around Harris County.
I have seen Melissa never meet a stranger but make all her contacts an ally, a partner, a confidant, a co laborer, a customer or beneficiary of her expertise and knowledge not just in real estate, housing and legislative issues but in the Texas way of life. If you are tired of our leaders that know nothing, do nothing and bring nothing back from our US Capital but chaos, trouble and scandal, vote for a real American Democrat from Harris County and the Great 38th Congressional District who ain’t afraid roll up her sleeves and do the work required of our US Representative from Texas.
Melissa McDonough is a proven leader, beyond reproach and unafraid to fight in Washington DC.
And like Mike Tyson, Melissa knows every one of the Bullies in Washington has a plan……until you punch them in Nose. I want say in no uncertain terms I am endorsing whole heartedly and voting without reservation for Melissa McDonough for US Congress because she will fight for you, for me, for our families and for Texas. My name is Rod Jennings Chair of the Great 38th Congressional District and I endorse this message and our amazing powerful capable candidate Melissa McDonough!